The Making of 'There's Gonna be a Fight'
some still pics which were incorporated into the fight sequences. I changed the still pics to black and white
and for two of them I used an effects tool on my editing programme to expand
the photo slowly.
of tripod
Did not have a tripod so I just rested the camera on a pillar for the opening shot.
is Overture by Francis Monkman. It was
the ending theme for the Long Good Friday film, starring Bob Hoskins. Not the sax heavy denouement but after that.
music seemed to match footage of the dogs fighting so I then worked with the
length of the music and edited with that in mind. So the bits where the still shot expands is
synchronised with the music.
worked backwards so there was no script.
I had already shot the scenes in home video mode a few weeks ago. When I realised I was clogging up my laptop
with hours of footage possibly no one would watch, I decided to make an effort
to edit.
Programme is being made on a miniscule budget.
Camera – I currently have a Panasonic HDC-SD40 Full HD 1920x1080
I may use this camera to shoot the pilot, haven’t decided yet.
I will need to get;
A tripod
Sound equipment (sound mixer, headphones, boom microphone)
Editing package
I’m currently trying out Sony Vegas Pro trial on my laptop as it was recommended to me. Will invest in full programme (about $800) or alternative after expiration of trial (30 days).
Lighting Equipment
Not sure of my requirements yet but if I need prof lights will probably go to a production house.
So far Tinashe Muchuri (n’anga and poetry for soundtrack)
Myself – Writer, camera, sound
Tascam DR-07 MKII Linear PCM Recorder
This isn’t mine. I borrowed it from a reporter thinking I was going to interview someone but the interview never happened. I then used it to get some creaky door sound effects from the creakiest door ever, my bedroom door.
I have yet to source sound equipment for the shoot. I will probably leave this task to my producer. My biggest concern is that Zim productions are not renowned for exceptional sound. The sound on Deadly Sins will have to be top notch not only because of low budget but mainly because of genre, suspense/horror much of what scares is what you don’t see and great sound becomes key not to mention appropriate music.
ZBC Requirements for Independent Producers
1.Profile of your company including CR14
2.Memorandum of Association
3.Certificate of Incorporation
4.Articles of Association
5.Tax Clearance Form from ZIMRA
6.Asset profile of your company
7.Report including your company’s ability and capacity to produce.
The first requirement I can do myself. The CR14 form is something I complete once I’ve registered my company with the Registrar of companies.
2 – 4 I could get a solicitor to do but this will set me back around $500. I prefer the option of leaning on a friend who had previously offered to help me. Oh, but the time to do it....
5, I have yet to look into. 1 – 4 are daunting enough.
6 and 7 I’ve done already as they were easy to do, about a page in length.
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